Strip Heaters are economical heat sources, suitable for providing heat to flat surfaces. The sheath temperature is limited to 900°F. Maximum allowable watt densities with respect to application temperatures are shown in the diagram. However, 20 Watts/in² is a safe value. In order to avoid thermal expansion issues that detach mica strip heaters from the Surfaces that they are applied to, strip heaters can be made to include several mounting holes or pressure plates that provide rigidity and improve heat transfer uniformity as well. Mica insulated strip heaters are available in many electrical termination styles, and within certain design limitations can accommodate holes and cut-outs. PACKAGING AND SEALING MACHINES FOOD TABLES AND WARMING EQUIPMENT PLASTIC EXTRUDERS BLOW-MOLDING MACHINES OVENS, HOT PLATES, INCUBATORS OTHER PROCESS APPLICATIONS High Watt Density Cartridge Heaters Come: SS 304 & SS 316 construction Watt Density: 12 watt/ Low Voltage: 12 or 24 Volt Cartridge Heaters in Brass: SS 304 sheath with watt density of 4 watt / Max Temperature: SS tube 400 °C, for Brass tubes 200°C